承包中的總承包 分包與分包的區別及其相關的雙語規定

Mondo 社會 更新 2024-01-30

交鑰匙總包,也稱為“主包”。 建築業企業(或聯營企業、企業集團)承擔單位工程(或工程專案、建設工程)的施工工作、安裝工程、施工安裝工程施工任務。









發包人可以與總承包單位訂立施工合同,也可以分別與測量師、設計人、施工單位訂立勘測、設計、施工合同。 發包人不得將本應由乙個承包人完成的建設工程肢解成若干部分,將合同授予多個承包人。

the developer may enter into a contract for construction project with a prime contractor, or enter into contracts for survey, design, and construction with the surveyor, designer, and constructor respectively. the developer may not divide a construction project which should be completed by one contractor into several parts and contract them out to several contractors.

經發包人同意,總承包人或者勘察、設計、施工承包人可以將自身承包的部分工程委託第三方完成。 第三人應當與總承包人或者勘察設計施工承包人就其完成的工作成果承擔連帶責任。 承包人不得將其承包的建設專案全部分包給第三方,或者在拆解後以分包的名義將其承包的建設專案全部分包給第三方。

subject to consent by the developer, the prime contractor or the contractor for survey,design, or construction may delegate part of the contracted work to a third party. the third party and the prime contractor or the contractor for survey, design, or construction shall be jointly and severally liable to the developer in respect of the work product completed by such third party. the contractor may not assign in whole to any third party the contracted construction project, or divide the whole contracted construction project into several parts and separately assign each part to a third party under the guise of sub-contracting.

禁止承包人將工程分包給不具備相應資質的單位。 禁止分包商將其承包的專案分包。 建設專案主體結構的施工必須由承包人本人完成。

the contractor is prohibited from sub-contracting any part of the project to an entity not appropriately qualified. a sub-contractor is prohibited from further sub-contracting its contracted work. the main structure of the construction p

roject must be constructed by the contractor itself.


in addition, no provision is made for flight hours for the transportation of fuel, as it is planned to establish a turnkey contract for the supply of fuel throughout the mission.


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