
Mondo 社會 更新 2024-01-30

終止僱傭條款是僱傭合同的核心條款之一,詳細規定了公司與員工約定的解除合同的條件。 以下是一些僱傭合同中的雙語終止條款示例:

示例 1:終止僱傭關係


12.1 termination during probation period. during the probation period, the employee may terminate the employment by giving not less than three (3) days notice to the company.

在試用期內終止。 在試用期內,員工可以至少提前三 (3) 天通知公司終止本合同。

12.2 termination by employee. after completion of the probation period, the employee shall be entitled to terminate this employment agreement by giving not less than three (3) months’ written notice to the company, or such other notice period required by applicable laws and regulations; provided however that the company may, upon receipt of notice of termination, at its discretion, waive such notice period, or propose a shorter period of notice, whereupon the employee’s employment shall terminate: (i) forthwith upon confirmation by the company of such waiver; or (ii) upon expiry of such shorter notice period as the company may propose.

員工解雇。 試用期結束後,員工應至少提前三 (3) 個月書面通知公司或適用法律法規要求的其他通知期終止本合同,但公司可自行決定放棄該通知期或在收到終止通知後建議縮短通知期, 屆時,雇員的僱傭合同將:(i) 在公司確認放棄該通知期後立即終止;或 (ii) 在公司建議的較短通知期屆滿時。

12.3 immediate termination by the company. subject to applicable laws and in addition to any statutory ground enabling the company to terminate the employee’s employment without notice or compensation, the employee’s employment may be terminated at any time by the company without either notice or payment in lieu of notice or liability for compensation or damages (and without prejudice to any claim in respect of any antecedent breach by the employee) if the employee:

公司立即解散。 根據適用法律,公司可隨時終止員工的僱傭合同,恕不另行通知,且無需賠償,但公司有權終止員工僱傭合同的任何法定理由除外,恕不另行通知且無需賠償,公司不承擔代通知金或任何經濟補償或損害賠償的責任, 它也不影響公司可能就員工之前的任何違約行為提出的任何索賠

a) is guilty of any default, wilful misconduct or dishonesty whether in connection with or affecting the business, properties or assets of the company or the group;


b) is in serious or repeated breach or fails to comply with any instructions of the management or is in default of this agreement or seriously breaches the rules and regulations;


c) is convicted of any criminal offence whether involving fraud, dishonesty or other serious crimes or is sentenced to any term of imprisonment; or


d) becomes prohibited by law from performing the responsibilities and obligations under this agreement.


all such acts will be deemed to constitute “serious violations of company rules”.


12.4 disability. in the event the employee is unable to perform his normal duties by reason of his disability, then the management may terminate the employee’s employment with thirty (30) days’ written notice or payment of lieu of notice. for purposes of this section, “disability” shall be presumed if the employee suffers a non-work related illness or injury and, at the end of his medical treatment period, cannot engage in his original work or in other suitable work arranged by the company. the parties agree that the company has discretion to decide whether another existing and open position is suitable and that the employee would undergo a trial work period of one (1) month on that new position. depending on the length of the employee’s medical treatment period and the nature of the employee’s work, and based on the company’s business or production needs as determined by the board of directors, the company has the right to hire another individual to fulfil the employee’s job duties. in such a case, upon the expiration of the employee’s medical treatment period, the company will attempt to arrange other suitable work for the employee pursuant to this section 12.3.

殘疾人。 如果員工因殘疾而無法履行其正常工作職責,管理層可以通過提前三十 (30) 天向員工發出書面通知或支付代通知金來終止僱傭合同。 就本條而言,如果員工非因工作而生病或受傷,並且在醫療期滿後無法執行原有工作或公司安排的其他合適工作,則推定為“殘疾”。雙方同意,公司有權確定其他現有職位空缺的適用性,並且該員工將在新職位上有一 (1) 個月的試用期。 根據員工醫療期的長短和員工的工作性質,並根據董事會確定的公司業務或生產需要,公司有權聘請他人履行員工的工作職責。 在這種情況下,在員工的醫療期滿後,公司將遵守本第12條第四條 努力為員工安排其他合適的工作崗位。

12.5 termination on other statutory grounds. the company shall be entitled to terminate the employee on any other grounds allowed under applicable laws and regulations, and shall provide written notice to the employee if and as required by law. the company shall also h**e the option of paying the employee in lieu of any required notice.

因其他法定理由終止。 公司有權以適用法律法規允許的任何其他理由終止與員工的勞動合同,並在法律要求的情況下,根據法律要求向員工發出書面通知。 公司還應有權選擇向員工支付一定金額的款項,以代替要求的任何通知。

12.6 termination under sections 12.1, 12.2 and 12.4. in the event of any termination under sections 12.1, 12.2 or 12.4, the employee shall be entitled, in full discharge of the obligations by the company, to receive the following:

根據該部分。 2 和 124. 如果根據該部分。 2 或 12第四條 勞動合同解除的,在公司充分履行義務的前提下,勞動者有權領取下列物品:

a)any salary accrued to the employee up to and inclusive of the date of termination, subject to any adjustment under section 12.6(b) below, if applicable;

雇員在終止之日(包括終止之日)之前應計的任何工資,但須遵守下文第 12 節的規定根據第6條(b)款進行的任何調整(如適用);

b)any cash reimbursement of outstanding le**e not used, if applicable, or if the employee has, prior to the date of termination, used more than the prorated portion of his contractual annual le**e entitlement for the year, the company shall be entitled to adjust the amount of salary payable to the employee by deducting the amount corresponding to the employee’s salary for such days of excess contractual annual le**e used; and


c)any severance benefits as provided by the company to its eligible employees in accordance with the rules and regulations and at the sole discretion of the company, provided that the company in any event shall at a minimum pay the employee statutory severance when and as required by applicable laws and regulations.



article 8 termination of the contract


if any following situation (exclusive of item 4) occurs, party a has the right to terminate the contract without the notice in advance;


during the probation, party a may dismiss party b without any reason at any time;


party a considers that party b seriously violates the working discipline and stipulations;


party b has serious neglect of duty,jobbery or leaking out of important business information;


party a thinks that party b’s work performance and ability cannot meet the requirements under article 2 item 1 hereunder;


if party b seriously violates any rules or regulations set out in the latest version of “labor handbook” and internal rules stipulated from time to time.


if any following situation occurs, party a has no right to terminate the contract, but except the situation set out in article 8 item 1 and laws and regulations.


if party b is sick or injured, party a has no right to terminate the contract during the treatment or convalescence period.


during the period of the pregnancy, giving birth and lactation of party b who abides by the birth control regulation of birth control.

3 甲乙任何一方提出解除合同的,應提前乙個月書面通知對方(本合同第八條)1 和 9第3條規定的情形除外)。書面通知原則上由雙方簽字。 如果收到通知的一方不同意簽字,通知方應視為已將通知以信函形式郵寄到以下另一方的位址。 但是,根據本合同第 8 條除第一條第(一)、(二)、(三)、(五)項規定外,解除勞動合同的,無需事先通知對方。

if any party wants to terminate the labor contract, a written notice should be given to the other party 1 month in advance (exclusive of any one of article 8.1 and article 9.3). both parties should sign on this notice in principle. if the party receiving the notice is not willing to sign this notice, the notifying party shall post the notice by registered letter to the other party at the following address, which shall be deemed as delivery. according to any one of article 8. regulation 1. item (1),(2), 3),and (5),a written notice in advance is not required to be given by one party to the other party.



    根據 勞動合同法 的規定,解除勞動合同的通知期限可以分為以下幾種情形 用人單位解除勞動合同的。 協商終止。用人單位與勞動者協商達成協議的,可以解除勞動合同。用人單位要解除勞動合同的,應當提前日通知勞動者,並依照勞動合同法的規定支付經濟補償金。 工人有過錯。勞動者有下列情形之一的,用人單位可以立即解除...


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    解除勞動合同後,可自行繳納社保。勞動合同解除後,社保仍不會消失,可攜帶材料到社保機構辦理續簽手續。解除勞動關係的人員應當憑 養老保險關係延續卡 和 失業證明 或解除勞動關係證明 及時向社會保險經銷機構辦理續簽手續和辦理社會保險登記手續,並按照有關規定向社會保險經銷機構辦理申報和繳納手續。終止勞動關係...


    公司可以在不解除勞動合同的情況下停止社保嗎?社會保險是一種社會和經濟制度,為因健康原因失去工作能力 暫時失業或遭受損失的人提供收入或補償。所謂解除勞動合同,就是離職報告的內容,用人單位的具體情況和辭職原因都能寫得清楚。社會保險是指具有收入再分配功能的非營利性社會保障制度,為預防和分擔養老 失業 疾病...


    一 辭職後解除勞動合同時如何處理社保 攜帶被保險人居民身份證 解除勞動關係證明書 居民戶口簿等相關證明材料,到現所在社保機構列印 基本養老保險繳費證明書 帶上這些手續,填寫 轉學及延續申請表 向轉學地社保機構提出轉學申請。之後就不用擔心其他事項了,由新舊地方的社會部門辦理轉移。只要審核通過,投保人將...