
Mondo 軍事 更新 2024-01-29

since 2009, indian and american teams h**e scoured the mountains in india's north-eastern state of arunachal pradesh, looking for the wreckage and remains of lost crews of hundreds of planes that crashed here over 80 years ago.


some 600 american transport planes are estimated to h**e crashed in the remote region, killing at least 1,500 airmen and passengers during a remarkable and often-forgotten 42-month-long world war two military operation in india. among the casualties were american and chinese pilots, radio operators and soldiers.

據估計,大約有600架美國運輸機在這個偏遠地區墜毀,造成至少1,500名飛行員和乘客死亡。 這是二戰期間在印度的一次重大軍事行動,持續了 42 個月,但它經常被遺忘。 *人員包括美國和中國的飛行員,無線電操作員和士兵。

the operation sustained a vital air transport route from the indian states of assam and bengal to support chinese forces in kunming and chungking.


the air corridor became a lifeline following the japanese advance to india's borders, which effectively closed the land route to china through northern myanmar.


the us military operation, initiated in april 1942, successfully transported 650,000 tonnes of war supplies across the route - an achievement that significantly bolstered the allied victory.

1942 年 4 月開始的美國戰役通過這條路線成功運送了 650,000 噸戰爭物資——這一成就極大地鞏固了盟軍的勝利。

pilots dubbed the perilous flight route "the hump", a nod to the treacherous heights of the eastern himalayas that they had to n**igate.


in his vivid memoirs of the operation, maj gen william h tunner, a us air force pilot, remembers n**igating his c-46 cargo plane over villages on steep slopes, broad valleys, deep gorges, narrow streams and dark brown rivers.

美國空軍飛行員威廉·特納(William H. Turner)少將在他的回憶錄中寫道:“我記得駕駛C-46飛越陡峭的山坡、寬闊的山谷、深邃的峽谷、狹窄的溪流和深棕色河流上的村莊。

the flights, often n**igated by young and freshly trained pilots, were turbulent. the weather on the hump, according to tunner, changed "from minute to minute, from mile to mile": one end was set in the low, steamy jungles of india; the other in the mile-high plateau of western china.

這些飛機通常由新訓練的年輕飛行員駕駛,飛行非常顛簸。 根據特納的說法,駝峰上的天氣“每時每刻,一英里到一英里”都在變化。 駝峰的一端是印度低窪潮濕的叢林;另一端是中國西部海拔1英里的高原。

he**ily loaded transport planes, caught in a downdraft, might quickly descend 5,000ft, then swiftly rise at a similar speed. tunner writes about a plane flipping onto its back after encountering a downdraft at 25,000ft.

一架滿載的運輸機,當遇到下沉氣流時,可能會迅速下降 5,000 英呎,然後以相同的速度迅速上公升。 特納寫道,一架飛機在25,000英呎的高度遇到下沉氣流後翻倒。

not surprisingly, the radio was filled with mayday calls. planes were blown so far off course they crashed into mountains pilots did not even know were within 50 miles, tunner remembered. one storm alone crashed nine planes, killing 27 crew and passengers. "in these clouds, over the entire route, turbulence would build up of a severity greater than i h**e seen anywhere in the world, before or since," he wrote.

不出所料,收音機裡充滿了求救訊號。 特納回憶說,這架飛機被吹離了航線,以至於在50英里內撞上了一座山,飛行員甚至沒有意識到它被炸得這麼遠。 僅一場風暴就導致9架飛機墜毀,27名機組人員和乘客喪生。 “在這些雲層中,在整個航線上,飛機比我以前和現在在世界其他任何地方看到的都更加動盪,”他寫道。



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