《時代》雜誌授予年輕的氣候活動家克萊爾 弗拉塞斯年度人物

Mondo 娛樂 更新 2024-02-13

tonight, i get to recognize a group of young people who are tackling climate change.


they sued the state of montana demanding their right to a clean and safe environment.


and here's the thing, they actually won it.


and this decision could be the first of many.


these 16 young plaintiffs including activist vlases h**en't just won a court case, they h**e proven that it doesn't matter what age you are.


if you want to see change in the world, you can make it happen.


i'm so happy to introduce claire and hand her the earth award on behalf of all 16 of the montana plaintiffs.

我很高興向您介紹克萊爾,並代表蒙大拿州的 16 名原告向她頒發地球獎。

please welcome claire vlases.

請有克萊爾·弗拉斯(Claire Frass)。

thank you time for this incredible recognition.


i am honored to accept the earth award as one of 16 youth plaintiffs in the first-ever constitutional climate trial in us history held versus the state of montana.

我很榮幸能作為 16 名年輕原告之一接受地球獎,這是美國歷史上第一次針對蒙大拿州的憲法氣候審判。

last june, we went to trial to hold our state government accountable for their actions in contributing to the climate crisis.

去年 6 月,我們舉行了一次審判,要求我們的國家**對他們導致氣候危機的行為負責。

my fellow plaintiffs and i reled our experiences with climate change-related events in montana, such as fires, floods, and droughts.


we took the stand to protect our land, our homes, and our families.


i surprised myself when testifying because the change felt real and tangible.


we were heard — by the court, by the montanans who bore witness to our testimony, and by the world.


in august, in a historic first, the court ruled wholly in our f**or, declaring that montana's laws promoting fossil fuels violate our constitutional rights to equal protection, to dignity, to liberty health and safety, and a clean and healthful environment.


this landmark decision requires montana government agencies to consider their role in climate change.


it also sets a precedent internationally for similar youth-led climate litigation.


receiving this award is a testament to the unw**ering commitment of all young people taking climate action — not just the 16 of us in montana.

贏得這個獎項證明了所有年輕人對採取氣候行動的堅定承諾,而不僅僅是我們在蒙大拿州的 16 個人。

to those who are tirelessly advocating for a safer future, this award is validation.


our voices matter, our passions and actions result in justice.


change is happening.


it is my hope that in this coming year, we surprise ourselves.


we ought to awe ourselves by going beyond the expectations for which we can be a giver, a leader, a supporter, a listener, and an activist.


surprise yourself and your actions, they'll surprise the world.


thank you, time.


and thank you for the legal support from our children's trust a nonprofit that represents young people like me around the world seeking climate justice.


lastly, thank you to my fellow plaintiffs who continue to inspire and show resilience, courage, dedication, and a willingness to be vulnerable.


especially when sharing difficult stories with the court and the world about how we h**e been impacted by climate change.


young people are demanding climate justice and we will not stop until we secure it for everyone everywhere.


thank you.




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