
Mondo 遊戲 更新 2024-02-20

a little history of the world: the land by the nile (3)

世界簡史:尼羅河上的國家 (3).

and yet the most important part of the egyptians’ strange religion was their belief that, although a man’s soul left his body when he died, for some reason the soul went on needing that body, and would suffer if it crumbled into dust.


so they invented a very ingenious way of preserving the bodies of the dead.


they rubbed them with ointments and the juices of certain plants, and bandaged them with long strips of cloth, so that they wouldn’t decay.


a body preserved in this manner is called a mummy.


and today, after thousands of years, these mummies are still intact.


a mummy was placed in a coffin made of wood, the wooden coffin in one of stone, and the stone one buried, not in the earth, but in a tomb that was chiselled out of the rock.


if you were rich and powerful like king cheops, ‘son of the sun’, a whole stone mountain would be made for your tomb.


deep inside, the mummy would be safe – or so they thought! but the mighty king’s efforts were in vain: his pyramid is empty.

深埋在裡面的木乃伊應該是安全的——至少他們是這麼想的! 但這位偉大國王的努力是徒勞的,他的金字塔現在是空的。

but the mummies of other kings and those of many ancient egyptians h**e been found undisturbed in their tombs.


a tomb was intended to be a dwelling for the soul when it returned to visit its body.


for this reason they put in food and furniture and clothes, and there are lots of paintings on the walls showing scenes from the life of the departed.


his portrait was there too, to make sure that when his soul came on a visit it wouldn’t go to the wrong tomb.


thanks to the great stone statues, and the wonderfully bright and vivid wall paintings, we h**e a very good idea of what life in ancient egypt was like.


true, these paintings do not show things as we see them.


an object or a person that is behind another is generally shown on top, and the figures often look stiff.


bodies are shown from the front and hands and feet from the side, so they look as if they h**e been ironed flat.


but the egyptians knew what they were doing.


every detail is clear: how they used great nets to catch ducks on the nile, how they paddled their boats and fished with long spears, how they pumped water into ditches to irrigate the fields, how they drove their cows and goats to pasture, how they threshed grain, made shoes and clothes, blew glass – for they could already do that! –and how they shaped bricks and built houses.

每乙個細節都清晰可見:他們如何用大網在尼羅河上捕捉鴨子,他們如何在船上用長矛捕魚,他們如何用水幫浦灌溉田地到溝渠中,他們如何驅趕牛羊到牧場,他們如何脫粒,他們如何製作鞋子和衣服,他們如何吹玻璃器皿——他們已經做到了! – 以及如何塑造磚塊和建造房屋。

and we can also see girls playing catch, or playing music on flutes, and soldiers going off to war, or returning with loot and foreign captives, such as black africans.




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