
Mondo 文化 更新 2024-02-13

a little history of the world: once upon a time (3)

世界小史:從前 (3).

but we still h**en’t reached the beginning.


it all goes back much further – thousands of millions of years.


that’s easy enough to say, but stop and think for a moment.


do you know how long one second is? it’s as long as counting: one, two, three.

你知道一秒有多長嗎? 它和數字“一、二、三”一樣長。

and how about a thousand million seconds? that’s thirty-two years!

那麼,數十億秒呢? 那是32年!

now, try to imagine a thousand million years!


at that time there were no large animals, just creatures like snails and worms.


and before then there weren’t even any plants.


the whole earth was a ‘formless void’.


there was nothing. not a tree, not a bush, not a blade of grass, not a flower, nothing green.

這裡什麼都沒有。 沒有一棵樹,沒有一棵灌木,沒有一棵草,沒有一朵花,沒有一朵綠。

just barren desert rocks and the sea. an empty sea: no fish, no seashells, not even any seaweed.

只有貧瘠荒涼的岩石和大海。 空曠的大海:沒有魚,沒有貝類,甚至沒有任何海藻。

but if you listen to the w**es, what do they say?


once upon a time … once the earth was perhaps no more than a swirling cloud of gas and dust, like those other,farbigger ones we can see today through our telescopes.


for billions and trillions of years, without rocks, without water and without life, that swirling cloud of gas and dust made rings around the sun.


and before that? before that, not even the sun, our good old sun, was there.

在那之前? 在那之前,連太陽都不存在,我們可愛的太陽。

only weird and amazing giant stars and smaller he**enly bodies, whirling among the gas clouds in an infinite, infinite universe.


once upon a time’ –but now all this peering down into the past is **me feel dizzy again.


quick! let’s get back to the sun, to earth, to the beautiful sea, to plants and snails and dinosaurs, to our mountains, and, last of all, to human beings.

快! 讓我們回到太陽,回到地球,回到美麗的海洋,回到植物、蝸牛和恐龍,回到我們的山脈,最後,回到人類。

it’s a bit like coming home, isn’t it?


and just so that ‘once upon a time’ doesn’t keep dragging us back down into that bottomless well, from now on we’ll always shout: ‘stop! when did that happen?’

為了不讓“舊日”繼續把我們拖回那個無底洞,從現在開始,我們必須時刻喊:“住手! 這是什麼時候發生的? ”




pull:這是乙個更籠統的術語,可以指用任何力在特定方向上移動物體。 這並不一定意味著困難。 您可以輕鬆地將書籍從書架上取下。

drag:這意味著移動物體更加困難和費力。 它通常表明物體很重、卡住或無法移動。 在地板上拖乙個沉重的袋子比簡單地拉它更具挑戰性。



drag:拖拽通常意味著沿地面或表面移動物體,產生摩擦並可能造成損壞。 你不會說你把雲“拖”過天空,因為它沒有與表面接觸。


pull:拉動所需的力取決於物體和您要移動的距離。 拉力沒有特定的水平。

drag:由於遇到的阻力,拖動所需的力通常大於拉力。 拖拽重物通常比簡單地拉動它需要更多的力。




and if we also ask, ‘and how exactly did that happen?’ we will be asking about history.

如果我們也問,“這是怎麼發生的? “我們問的是歷史。

not just a story, but our story, the story that we call the history of the world. shall we begin?

不僅僅是乙個故事,而是我們的故事,我們稱之為世界歷史的故事。 來吧?


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