已婚男女必須親自到婚姻登記處登記結婚。 符合本法規定的,應當登記結婚,頒發結婚證。 獲得結婚證就確立了夫妻關係。 未辦理結婚登記的,應當重新登記。 婚姻登記後,根據男女雙方的協議,女方可以成為男方家庭的一員,男方可以成為女方的家庭成員。
1)if one party commits bigamy;
2)if the man and the woman are relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship;
3)if, before marriage, one party is suffering from a disease which is regarded by medical science as rendering a person unfit for marriage and, after marriage, a cure is not effected; and
4)if the legally marriageable age is not attained.
它是指在一夫一妻制下將另乙個人與配偶結婚,或在知道他或她有配偶的情況下與另乙個人結婚的行為。 婚姻分為法律上的登記婚姻和尚未登記但兩個人以夫妻身份生活在一起的事實婚姻,因此重婚也分為法定重婚和事實重婚。
縮寫為“結婚年齡”。 指法律規定的允許結婚的最低年齡。 它是根據婚姻關係的自然和社會屬性確定的。 只有達到一定年齡的當事人,才能達到一定的心理和生理成熟程度,能夠承擔婚姻的後果。 根據世界各國的立法,大多數國家的結婚年齡是男性在21至24歲之間,女性在18至22歲之間。
一方患有嚴重疾病的,應當在婚姻登記前如實告知另一方; 對方不實話的,可以請求人民法院宣告婚姻無效。
if one of the parties suffers from a serious disease, he shall truthfully inform the other party of such disease prior to marriage registration; where such information is not truthfully provided, the other party may apply to the people’s court to annul the marriage.
the application to annul a marriage shall be made within one year from the date when the party knows or should h**e known of the cause for the annulment.
the amended marriage law promulgated in china in 2001 reiterated the basic principle of gender equality, emphasized the equal status of husband and wife as well as the equality of their rights and obligations in marriage and the family, and provided a focused enhancement of the articles focused on the protection of women’s rights, such as those prohibiting domestic violence, bigamy and the like.
death also automatically terminates marriage (including registered partnerships or similar unions in some member states) and the corresponding system of marital/partnership property, enabling the survivor to enter into a new relationship without any risk of bigamy.
the 2007 undp/unifem report underscored that although registration of marriages is required, as is the equal consent of both parents in the marriage of minors, bigamy is not prohibited, and customary marriages are exempt from the legislative requirements.33 16.
開發署婦發基金** 2007年的報告強調,雖然婚姻必須登記,未成年人必須得到父母雙方的同意才能結婚,但馬紹爾群島並不禁止重婚,法律也沒有規定習俗婚姻。