the art of over-sharing
social media’s online diarists h**e a long lineage
who are personal journals written for?
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the tales embrace themundaneand the seismic, from being dumped by a boyfriend before theschool promto the sudden death of a parent.
the tone ranges fromcheesyto heartbreaking. the storytellers are “journal influencers”, mostly young women reading their teenage diaries to audiences online.
有俗氣和令人心碎的語氣。 講故事的人是“日記影響者”,大多是年輕女性,她們在網上向觀眾朗讀自己的青春日記。
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some videos are mingled with other content, merging pre-teen dreams with make-up tips; others are **shrinesto past selves.
有些**與其他內容混合在一起,將青春期前的夢想與化妝技巧融合在一起; 其他**是對過去自我的簡單回憶。
one influencer, carrie walker (pictured), draws 1.2m views for a half-hour read on youtube; the shorter content on tiktok’s #diarytok tag has reached 54m.
網紅Carrie Walker(圖)在YouTube上曬出半小時閱讀日記**,吸引120萬次**; TikTok 的 DiaryTok 標籤已達到 5400 萬次**。
and sharing secrets presents commercial opportunity: selling notebooks and pens on amazon; auctioning copies of diaries on ebay.
分享私人日記會帶來商機:在亞馬遜上銷售筆記本和筆; eBay上的拍賣日記。
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many people think about writing a diary, especially at new year. some start. some even keep it up.
很多人都想寫日記,尤其是在元旦。 有些人開始寫作,有些人堅持多年。
but why write, and for whom? whether anovicefacing a blank page or a seasonedscribblerwith years of good meals and gossip in irregular notebooks, almost any diarist has asked themselves that question.
但為什麼要寫日記,為誰寫日記呢? 無論是寫日記的新手,還是多年來一直在不規則的筆記本上記錄食物和八卦的資深作家,幾乎每個寫日記的人都會問自己這個問題。
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sally bayley of the university of oxford, author of “the private life of the diary”, regards sharing on social media as theantithesisof diary-keeping.
《日記的私生活》一書的作者莎莉·貝利(Sally Bailey)認為,在社交媒體上分享日記與寫日記相反。
the journal is “an attempt to be honest with yourself”. it is “an internal territory, which you are mapping onto the page”, inseparable from privacy.
even sylvia plath, a “theatrical individual”, dr bayley notes, wrote a diary in order to “generate a voice in private”.
貝利博士認為,即使是過著“戲劇生活”的西爾維亞·普拉斯(Sylvia Plath)也寫了日記,以便“私下說出來”。
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yet diaries h**e also long been shared, if morediscreetlythan on tiktok.
然而,日記也被分享了很長時間,儘管在 TikTok 上不那麼明顯。
keeping a journal rose in popularity in the 19th century, especially among women.
寫日記在 19 世紀開始流行,尤其是在女性中。
according to cynthia huff, an academic specialist in victorian culture, diary-sharing then was “extremely common”.
維多利亞時代文化研究專家辛西婭·赫夫(Cynthia Huff)認為,這些日記是在當時共享的"極為常見"。
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diaries were read aloud, sent to friends or left open for visitors toperuse
that distinction between public and private really doesn’t hold at all,” says professor huff.
“分享和私人日記之間沒有界限,”赫夫教授說。 ”
some diaries served practical uses, sharing advice on self-improvement, pregnancy or childbirth.
british women in the colonies often sent diaries back home. they were “creating an extended family through these diaries” and fostering an ocean-spanning sense of englishness.
殖民地的英國婦女經常把日記寄回家。 他們“通過這些日記創造了乙個大家庭”,並培養了一種大洋彼岸的英國感。
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many journal videos also create a sense of community.
they share stories of isolation: of suffering homophobia, struggles with body image or early romantic obsessions.
they poke fun at the distorted expectations of youth and the disappointments of adulthood, with the ear of sympathetic strangers.
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some diary-sharers go further.
at queer diary, a series of events across britain begun in 2020 by beth watson, a performer, lgbtq adults read their old diaries to a live audience.
表演者貝絲·沃森(Beth Watson)於2024年在英國發起了一系列活動——同性戀日記,LGBTQ成年人向現場觀眾朗讀他們的舊日記。
the drama, confusion andmayhemof teenage life are performed to a sympathetic crowd.
the celebration, ms watson says, is as important as the reflection.
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the symbiosis of secrecy and celebration was perhaps best understood by anaïs nin, a 20th-century french-born american whose diary was an unapologetic exercise in self-creation.
安娜·寧(Anna Nin)是一位20世紀出生於法國的美國人,她也許最了解秘密與慶祝的共生關係,她的日記是問心無愧的自我創作。
i am in my journal, and in my journal only, nowhere else. nothing shows on the outside. perhaps i do not exist except as a fantastic character in this story.”
我在我的日記裡,而且只在我的日記裡,我沒有出現在其他任何地方。 從外面什麼也看不見。 也許,除了作為故事中的奇幻人物,我並不存在。 ”
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nin’s mix of fantasy and truth included an illegal abortion, extramarital affairs .
her assertions of confidentiality—“you won’t say anything, will you”; only my journal knows it” —treat the reader as the sole listener.
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and yet, of course, nin published her journal. its scandalous content won her fame that her fiction had not.
當然,寧還是出版了她的日記。 日記中的醜聞內容為她贏得了聲譽,而她的**卻沒有。
her confessional texts penetrated the thin veil between public and private.
the diaries are amasterclassin broadcast secrecy, a megaphoned whisper.
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we write to taste life twice,” nin wrote, “in the moment and in retrospection.”
寧婷婷寫道:“我們寫日記,”要品味人生兩次,一次在當下,一次在回首。 ”
she spent her last years reading her diaries to worshipping crowds.
like today’s influencers, she knew that retrospection tastes much sweeter in company.
西爾維婭·普拉斯(2024年10月27日-2024年2月11日)是美國懺悔詩人的代表,也是繼艾公尺莉·狄金森和伊莉莎白·畢曉普之後最重要的美國女詩人。 2024年,她最後一次自殺時年僅31歲。 這位備受爭議的女詩人以其充滿激情和創造力的詩歌而聲名鵲起,並因她與另一位英國詩人泰德·休斯(Ted Hughes)因情感變化而自殺的戲劇化生活而成為英美文學中長期存在的話題。
LGBTQ,又稱“彩虹人”、“彩虹人”、“性少數群體”等,一般指女同性戀者、男同性戀者、雙性戀者、跨性別者、酷兒者。 [關鍵句子]。(3 個)。
keeping a journal rose in popularity in the 19th century, especially among women.
寫日記在 19 世紀開始流行,尤其是在女性中。
they poke fun at the distorted expectations of youth and the disappointments of adulthood, with the ear of sympathetic strangers.
the diaries are a masterclass in broadcast secrecy, a megaphoned whisper.