
Mondo 汽車 更新 2024-02-22

今年6月27日,騰島迎來了19歲生日。 在像中國這樣競爭激烈的市場中,只有2%的公司能夠經營10年以上。 然而,騰島不僅成功生存,而且蓬勃發展,成為外貿資料行業的佼佼者。 這一切都源於客戶的長期信任和支援。


2024年初,騰島已成功與多家外貿龍頭企業達成合作。 以下是一月份的一些新簽約,他們的感言將展示騰島服務的卓越性和專業性,讓我們來聽聽他們!

01 光伏行業光伏鋁合金框架。


客戶評價。 騰島的解決方案為我們提供了分析市場動態的資料支援。 詳細的資料和分析報告使我們的營銷部門在監控海外市場時能夠更有效地做出正確的判斷。

02 醫藥行業:兒童用藥。

某製藥企業是一家專注於兒童用藥和慢性病用藥領域的創新型生物製藥企業。 公司建立了一支由全球資深首席科學家領銜的400餘人的創新研發團隊。 公司經營範圍包括藥物研發; 醫療技術轉讓; 批發中成藥等

客戶評價。 騰島客戶開發系統幫助我們優化從國外採購原材料的流程,包括新的國外客商和同行採購。

03 複合材料行業 浸漬EP帆布。

安徽某材料是國內專業生產高效能纖維增強複合材料的重點企業。 目前產品暢銷全球20多個國家和地區,涉及歐美、中東、非洲、東南亞、東亞(日本、南韓)等。

客戶評價。 騰島的解決方案為市場分析和開發提供了寶貴的資源,可以說Tradecom是市場上最具價效比的客戶分析和開發工具。

04 硫酸亞鐵在化學工業中的應用。

廣西某化工企業自成立以來,一直專注於無機鹽化學品,主要產品為硫酸亞鐵、硫酸錳、硫酸鋅等。 產品廣泛應用於飼料新增劑、預混料、化肥、水處理行業、水泥行業等行業。

客戶評價。 通過騰島的數字營銷平台,我們一站式解決了客戶資源和客戶管理的問題。

05 醫藥工業 1-溴-2-丁炔。


客戶評價。 通過騰島客戶開發系統,我們能夠獲得大量精準的買家資源,通過對企業資訊的深入背景調研制定策略,從而加速提公升我們在海外市場的份額。

06 食品配料行業赤蘚糖醇。


客戶評價。 通過騰島的客戶開發系統,我們能夠獲得大量精準的採購資源,通過對企業資訊的深入背景調查制定策略,為我們節省了大量時間,大大提高了工作效率。

07 有機矽工業 醫用有機矽材料。

廣州新材料科技有限公司是一家專業從事有機矽材料研發和生產的高科技民營企業,擁有自主智財權和自主品牌。 公司產品涉及通訊、電力、電纜、醫療、嬰幼兒、食品、橡塑等多個行業,已形成八大系列、百餘個產品品牌的產品集群,年產量達萬噸。

客戶評價。 騰島的解決方案為我們提供了寶貴的市場洞察力,資料分析和報告在我們的決策中起著關鍵作用。 同時,在客戶開發方面,我們只需點選一下按鈕即可獲得準確有效的資訊,從而豐富了我們的客戶**。

08 製藥行業原料藥


客戶評價。 騰島的解決方案使我們能夠通過資料分析和報告,有效地解決接觸海外客戶和尋找聯絡人的挑戰。

01 food industry frozen meat products

the company is an international food trading company that began exporting south american beef from argentina in 2005. today, the company group operates in 14 countries and more than 90 destinations. the company focuses on meat, dairy products, and retail products.

customer testimonial

tendata's solution provides us with valuable market insights. their data analysis and reports play a critical role in our decision-**enabling us to maintain a leading position in the highly competitive market.

02 mineral industry ores such as zinc, lead, and copper

the company is a global base metals and precious metals trader with its headquarters in geneva and expert teams located on all continents. the company is one of the top sellers of copper, zinc, and lead concentrates, and also a leader in the refined copper, zinc, aluminum, and nickel markets.

customer testimonial

we use tendata's database to understand the changes in market trends and track the trading situation of our peers.

03 rubber industry rubber gloves

since 1979, it has continuously broken through the limit and has now become a world-class manufacturer of disposable latex gloves and high-tech engineering rubber products. the company is committed to providing a wide range of innovative and reliable products for diverse market needs through solid manufacturing capabilities and advanced technology.

customer testimonial

we h**e utilized tendata's products to develop customers on the one hand, and to pay attention to the current supply chain relationships of existing customers and monitor the market trading conditions of our peers on the other hand, in order to identify business opportunities.

04 plastic industry polytetramethylene glycol

the company is a leader in the field of polyurethane soft foam production, and it is an important example of the most advanced and vibrant italian companies.

customer testimonial

tendata's solution provides us with the import and export trade trends of this product, points out the direction for us to develop new markets, and also provides many useful market and product reports.

05 harmaceutical industry apis and probiotics

the company was established in 1972 for the first time in the korean pharmaceutical industry. it operates three production sites (workshops) with global gmp approvals such as those from the us fda, aifa (italy), pmda (japan), tga (australia), and others.

customer testimonial

tendata's solution provides us with detailed information about our competitors, which has played a significant role in developing new clients and pricing for existing customers.

06 food industry cakes,muffins and sponge products

manufacturing, distributing and technically supporting high quality bakery ingredients to the global bakery market since 1904.

customer testimonial

tendata's market analysis solution helps us gain a detailed understanding of the conditioning agents used in bread and cakes in the asian market, and better develop the market.

07 printing industry digital printing press

ever since our company was founded in 1923, the company has sought to contribute to society and culture by manufacturing printing presses. at a furious pace, change is transforming not only social conditions but also the entire environment surrounding the printing industry.

customer testimonial

tendata's customer development solution provides us with detailed market analysis and new ways to develop customers, which greatly improves our work efficiency.

08 food industry feed additive

the company was founded in 1986 in st. louis, missouri, usa with a vision to create the best palatants and make pet food taste great.

customer testimonial

tendata's market analysis solution helps customers gain a detailed understanding of global market trends and changes, enabling us to maintain a leading position in the competitive market.

攜手共贏。 每一次合作的背後都隱藏著無數的故事和深思熟慮的決定。 騰道與每一位合作夥伴緊密合作,不僅實現互利共贏,更促進行業的繁榮和創新。 對於騰島來說,與客戶的合作不僅僅是商業交易,更是一種深度合作、共贏的模式。

騰島始終以客戶為中心,傾聽客戶的需求,為他們提供最專業、最貼心的服務。 正是這種尊重和關注,贏得了客戶的信賴和支援,也為雙方的合作奠定了堅實的基礎。 騰島將繼續與這些合作夥伴一起探索更廣闊的市場和更多的商機。

我們深信,在這些優秀合作夥伴的支援下,騰島將繼續書寫輝煌,共創美好未來。 我們也期待更多優秀的企業與騰島合作,拓展更廣闊的業務前景。



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