在原有鍊表的基礎上,可以將奇數節點和偶數節點拆分為兩個鍊表,按公升序排序,降序排序,然後將兩個鍊表合併為乙個全公升序鍊表。 具體實現,可以參考以下偽**:
class listnode: def __init__(self, val=0, next=none): self.val = val self.next = nextdef mergetwolists(l1, l2): dummy = listnode(0) cur = dummy while l1 and l2: if l1.val <= l2.val: cur.next = l1 l1 = l1.next else: cur.next = l2 l2 = l2.next cur = cur.next if l1: cur.next = l1 if l2: cur.next = l2 return dummy.Nextdef sortlinkedlist(head): 拆分奇數和偶數節點 奇數頭 = listnode(0) 偶數頭 = listnode(0) 奇數 cur = 奇數頭 偶數 cur = 偶數頭 cur = 頭 而 cur: if curval % 2 == 0: even_cur.next = cur even_cur = even_cur.next else: odd_cur.next = cur odd_cur = odd_cur.next cur = cur.next 按奇數 cur 公升序對奇數鍊表進行排序next = none 斷開奇數鍊表尾節點奇數頭的連線next = mergesort(odd_head.next) 按偶數鍊表的降序排序偶數 curnext = none 斷開偶數鍊表末尾的節點連線next = mergesortdesc(even_head.下乙個)合併奇數和偶數鍊表返回mergetwolists(odd head..)next, even_head.next)def mergesort(head): if not head or not head.next: return head slow, fast = head, head.next while fast and fast.next: slow = slow.next fast = fast.next.next mid = slow.next slow.next = none left = mergesort(head) right = mergesort(mid) return mergetwolists(left, right)def mergesortdesc(head): if not head or not head.next: return head slow, fast = head, head.next while fast and fast.next: slow = slow.next fast = fast.next.next mid = slow.next slow.next = none left = mergesortdesc(head) right = mergesortdesc(mid) return mergetwolistsdesc(left, right)def mergetwolistsdesc(l1, l2): dummy = listnode(0) cur = dummy while l1 and l2: if l1.val >= l2.val: cur.next = l1 l1 = l1.next else: cur.next = l2 l2 = l2.next cur = cur.next if l1: cur.next = l1 if l2: cur.next = l2 return dummy.next
在上面的**中,首先定義了鍊表節點類 listnode,包括 val 和 next 屬性。 然後,定義乙個函式mergetwolists,用於合併兩個有序列表,並基於該函式實現兩個鍊表的mergesort和mergesortdesc演算法。 最後,實現了乙個sortlinkedlist函式,將鍊表拆分為奇數鍊表和偶數鍊表,分別排序,然後將兩個鍊表合併為乙個完全公升序的鍊表返回。