雙語 什麼是無用的社交?

Mondo 科技 更新 2024-02-25

with the popularity of the internet, a series of problems h**e arisen, one of which is ineffective socialization. "some people look like fools because they say too many foolish things on the internet."

隨著網際網絡的普及,也帶來了一系列問題,其中之一就是社會化效率低下。 “有些人看起來像傻瓜,因為他們在網上說了太多愚蠢的話。 ”

on the internet, many people often pursue vanity and showing off, neglecting real communication and interaction. "nowadays people know the price of everything, but the value of nothing." this focus on superficial social beh**ior makes it increasingly difficult for people to establish genuine interpersonal relationships.

在網際網絡上,很多人往往追求虛榮和炫耀,而忽略了真正的溝通和交流。 “現在的人知道一切事物的**,但他們不知道任何東西的價值。 “這種膚淺的社會行為使人們越來越難以建立真正的關係。

the internet makes people anxious because they constantly compare themselves to others." on the internet, we often compare their lives to others, leading to feelings of inferiority and insecurity.

網際網絡使人們感到焦慮,因為他們不斷地將自己與他人進行比較。 “在網上,我們傾向於將自己的生活與他人進行比較,導致自尊心低下和不安全感。

ineffective socialization is an internet term that mainly refers to social activities that do not bring any joy or progress to an individual's spiritual, emotional, work, or personal life. this can also be understood as ineffective networking.

無效社交是乙個網路術語,主要是指那些不能給個人的精神、感情、工作和生活帶來任何快樂和進步的社交活動。 這也可以理解為無效的連線。 參加聚會或酒會,但與陌生人進行毫無意義的交談,或過度取悅遠離其社會地位、經濟實力或資源的人,可能被認為是無效的社交。

aa dinner parties: if you don't really want to attend a dinner party and only go to socialize, you may feel bored and uncomfortable.


social inequality: if there is a significant gap between you and the other person in terms of social status, economic power, or resources, spending a lot of resources on inviting them to dinner may be considered ineffective socialization.


seeking relationships when you h**e limited abilities or no resources: when you lack the ability or h**e no actual chips, excessive reliance on social relationships may be ineffective.


invited to gatherings just to make up numbers: if you are only invited to gatherings when someone needs to fill the numbers, this social interaction often lacks real engagement and value.


gatherings with no common interests: if attending a gathering does not h**e clear common interests for you or is unnecessary small talk, then it may be ineffective.


incompatible circles: participating in social circles that do not align with your interests, values, or goals may be ineffective.


social media is the best way for people to escape from life." we often spend a lot of time on social media, ignoring the truly important things in the real world. ineffective socialization is a social activity that has no practical value or meaning for an individual, it may not bring any joy or progress, and may even le**e people feeling tired and frustrated. therefore, we should clarify their social goals, rationally choose social activities, and **oid getting caught in the whirlpool of ineffective socialization.

社交是人們用來逃避生活的最佳方式。 “我們傾向於花很多時間進行社交,而忽略了現實世界中真正重要的事情。 無效的社會化是一種對個人沒有實際價值或意義的社會活動,它可能不會帶來任何快樂或進步,甚至可能使人感到疲倦和沮喪。 因此,我們應該明確自己的社會目標,理性選擇社會活動,避免陷入社會化無效的漩渦。



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