
Mondo 教育 更新 2024-02-01

今天,小編就繼續與大家分享2024年研究生考研題目三道作文題的分析與參考范文,一共三題,英語綜合科2題+寫作和中譯英科1題。 預祝大家學業順利,研究生入學考試順利!

在通用英語科目中寫問題 1。

1. 題目:創意寫作(25 分):你對“幸福的家庭都是一樣的; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”, 250 words



很多考生可能不太熟悉創意寫作,即創意寫作。 事實上,創意寫作比明確需要敘述的論文要求更高。 創意寫作是通過各種寫作形式表達自己的藝術,強調原創性、創造力和想象力。 它涉及使用語言以吸引和激發讀者情感的方式傳達資訊或故事,包括廣泛的體裁,包括詩歌、非小說、回憶錄、戲劇、戲劇等。 考生可以利用個人經驗、觀察、研究或純粹的想象力來創作獨特而引人入勝的寫作。 因此,這篇作文題可以以往年的敘事性作文的形式寫,也可以寫成討論**,符合主題。

今年的試題是作家列夫·托爾斯泰的《安娜·卡列尼娜》中的一句名言,如果考生能在第一段中指出出處,是展示閱讀的不錯選擇。 當然,考生在寫作時也要注意幸福家庭和不幸福家庭的設計,因為這句話是乙個整體,最好不要孤立地談論乙個部分。 無論是敘述還是討論,還是其他風格,考生都應該體現出對這句名言的深刻理解,需要直接指出這句話的深刻內涵和自己的觀點。

3. 參考樣本:

the quote “happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” is a thought-provoking observation made by leo tolstoy in his novel anna karenina. it suggests that there are certain commonalities among happy families, while unhappiness tends to manifest itself uniquely in each family's circumstances. personally, i find the celebrated saying salutary as it sheds light on the nature of happy and unhappy families.

at first glance, it may seem contradictory to claim that happy families are similar, as happiness is often thought of as a subjective and individual experience. however, a close examination of the dynamics of contented families reveals that they literally share certain fundamental qualities. these qualities often include healthy communication, mutual respect, support, shared values, and a sense of belonging. happy families tend to h**e strong emotional bonds and effective problem-solving skills, which contribute to their overall well-being and satisfaction.

on the other hand, unhappiness in families can take various forms and stem from diverse causes. each family has its own set of challenges, conflicts, and struggles that give rise to their unhappiness. it could be financial difficulties, marital discord, parenting issues, substance abuse, or any number of other factors. the complexities of human relationships and individual experiences make it difficult to generalize the reasons for unhappiness across different families.

in conclusion, the statement highlights the general patterns that contribute to happiness within families while acknowledging the individuality of unhappiness. it prompts us to recognize the complexity of human emotions and relationships, fostering a mindset of empathy and understanding towards those experiencing unhappiness.

在英語普通科目中寫問題 2。

1. 問題:評論寫作(40 分):幾乎每個人都浪費了生命的一部分來展示他不具備的品質,並獲得他無法保持的掌聲 -samuel johnson




今年的考試是著名詩人塞繆爾·詹森(Samuel Johnson)的一句話,討論的話題也是眾所周知和公認的。 你是想偽裝自己以獲得公眾的認可,還是想做真實的自己?詩人在他的句子中已經明確給出了答案,由此獲得的認可和掌聲不是持久的,而是轉瞬即逝的。 但是,候選人也可以對此發表不同意見。 需要注意的是,評論應緊緊圍繞所給出的引文進行,並證明其合理性。

3. 參考樣本:

samuel johnson’s saying, “almost every man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities which he does not possess, and to gain applause which he cannot keep,” offers a profound insight into the human condition. it suggests that many individuals invest significant time and effort into projecting a false image, striving for recognition and praise that ultimately prove fleeting. in my view, i agree with him, as the blind pursuit of recognition and applause by projecting a false image result in a loss of authenticity, long-term dissatisfaction, and hindered personal growth and creativity.

one of the most obvious drawbacks of showing feigned qualities as a way of being recognized is that to please others, genuine selves and beliefs are sometimes compromised.when individuals prioritize external validation over self-discovery and personal growth, they compromise their true selves.the constant pressure to maintain the false image can be mentally and emotionally draining, le**ing individuals feeling disconnected from their own identity. a case in point can be bob dylan, a legendary singer-songwriter who has earned genuine respect and admiration from fans and critics alike thanks to his artistic authenticity. however, there h**e been times when dylan’s pursuit of external validation has led him away from his authentic self and forced him to conform to industry standards, but aware of the loss of authenticity, he eventually returned to his roots and maintained his artistic integrity. his career serves as an example of the importance of balancing external validation with authenticity and staying true to one’s roots.

those who indulge in the fake recognition of others do not simply get lost in the wake of years of pretending. in fact, they can even be overwhelmed by a sense of emptiness when those feigned attributes are debunked. many individuals invest time and energy in projecting a false image to gain temporary praise or admiration. however, the applause they receive is often based on an illusion, as it is not grounded in genuine qualities or accomplishments. when the truth emerges, and the facade crumbles, the applause fades away, le**ing behind a sense of emptiness and disappointment. vincent van gogh, the renowned dutch post-impressionist painter, for instance, was known for his deep desire to be acknowledged as an artist and for the pity of receiving little recognition in his lifetime. however, his relentless pursuit of external validation took such a toll on his mental and emotional well-being that struggled with self-doubt, loneliness, and feelings of failure all his lifetime. it wasn’t until after his tragic death that van gogh's brilliance and artistic genius were truly recognized. this example showcases how blindly seeking applause and recognition can lead to immense personal struggle and dissatisfaction.

in addition, the pursuit of external validation can even hinder personal growth and creativity.when people prioritize the pursuit of external validation, they may become hesitant to take risks or pursue new directions that deviate from the norm. this can hinder personal growth and creativity, limiting their potential and preventing them from reaching their full artistic potential.steve jobs, the co-founder of apple inc., exemplifies this point. he prioritized personal growth and creativity over seeking applause and recognition. jobs took risks, challenged norms, and pursued unconventional ideas, leading to groundbreaking products. by staying true to himself and embracing his unique vision, he achieved long-term success, demonstrating the importance of personal growth and creativity over blind validation.

in conclusion, solely seeking applause and recognition through displaying feigned qualities is by no means a wise move, as it le**es individuals feeling disconnected from their identity, threatens to create a sense of emptiness and disappointment, and even puts a brake on the creativity.


1、題目:題目是關於:人要活在當下,要用知識、藝術、修養來擺脫當下的侷限,讓心靈自由翱翔,享受每一刻的活力。 討論**,75 分。


本作文題是24課研究生寫作及中英翻譯專業課程的作文題,題型和考試要求與往年大致一致,也是一句名言,要求考生圍繞名言寫一篇討論題,字數要求不少於500字。 關於提案的寫作,候選人應解釋給定引文的哲學內涵,同時提出自己的意見。

今年的測試題是,人應該活在當下,也應該超越當下。 考生可以選擇討論活在當下和超越當下兩個話題,當然也可以選擇關注超越當下的點。 摘錄還給出了需要付出努力的三個領域,即知識、藝術和精神。 考生也可以用這種方式討論三個子論點。 這個問題和幾年前考考的徐特立的名句很像,子論點其實已經隱藏在給出的名言中,考生不需要在子論點部分苦思索,應該下功夫的是推理和物質支撐這兩個部分。

3. 參考樣本:

the excerpt emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment while also transcending its limitations through knowledge, art, and spiritual cultivation. it suggests that by allowing our minds to soar freely and embracing the vibrant vitality of each passing moment, we can find true fulfillment. this perspective offer ways of expanding horizons beyond the constraints of the immediate. from where i stand, in order to enhance the experience of life, individuals should be encouraged to seek intellectual growth, engage with artistic expression, and nurture their spiritual well-being.

the pursuit of knowledge, to begin with, is undoubtedly among the ways of living a fulfilling life. seeking intellectual growth enhances the experience of life because it expands our understanding, broadens our perspectives, and deepens our appreciation for the world around us. it allows us to engage in critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. by continuously learning and seeking knowledge, we develop a sense of curiosity and wonder that fuels personal growth and cultivates a more meaningful existence. intellectual growth empowers us to make informed decisions, engage in meaningful conversations, and explore the depths of our potential, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and enriched life. leonardo da vinci is a vivid example of how seeking intellectual growth enhances life. his diverse knowledge in art, anatomy, engineering, and more allowed him to create masterful works like the mona lisa. his scientific investigations deepened his appreciation for nature’s beauty. da vinci’s commitment to learning honed his critical thinking and problem-solving skills while fostering curiosity. this not only enriches his own life but also sparks collaborations and conversations with others. through his insatiable curiosity and interdisciplinary approach, da vinci shows that intellectual growth leads to a more fulfilling existence.

another effective approach to an enriched life is the cultivation of a taste for art. seeking artistic growth enhances the experience of life by tapping into our creative expression, emotional depth, and aesthetic appreciation. engaging in artistic ende**ors allows us to communicate, interpret, and process our thoughts and emotions in unique and meaningful ways. it encourages self-reflection and introspection, fostering personal growth and self-discovery. artistic growth also enables us to connect with others on a deeper level, provoking dialogue and inspiring empathy. by nurturing our artistic abilities, we enhance our ability to find beauty in the world, infuse meaning into our experiences, and ultimately enrich our overall perception and enjoyment of life. despite facing physical and emotional challenges, frida kahlo channeled her pain and experiences into powerful artworks that continue to resonate with audiences worldwide. through her paintings, she expressed her innermost thoughts, emotions, and struggles, creating a deeply personal and authentic body of work. kahlo’s artistic growth not only provides her with a means of self-expression but also allows her to connect with others on a profound level. it can thus be concluded that by seeking artistic growth, kahlo transformed her own experiences into a universal language of art, enhancing both her own life and the lives of those who encounter her work.

seeking intellectual growth and engaging with artistic expression aside, nurturing spiritual well-being also goes a long way to a fulfilling existence. it provides us with a sense of purpose, meaning, and connection, encourages us to reflect on our deepest values, beliefs, and aspirations, fostering personal growth and self-awareness. by cultivating spirituality, we develop a sense of inner peace, resilience, and compassion, enabling us to n**igate life's challenges with grace and equanimity. a case in point can be mahatma gandhi, a political and spiritual leader known for his nonviolent approach to social change in india. he embraced spiritual practices such as meditation, fasting, and self-reflection, which allowed him to cultivate inner peace, moral clarity, and a deep sense of purpose. gandhi’s spiritual growth not only guides his actions but also provides him with resilience and courage in the face of adversity. his commitment to truth, nonviolence, and compassion transforms not only his own life but also the lives of countless others, *him an enduring symbol of the power of spiritual growth to enhance the human experience.

to conclude, while living in the present is critical, expanding our horizons beyond the constraints of the immediate also counts. individuals should be encouraged to seek intellectual growth, engage with artistic expression, and nurture their spiritual well-being for the very purpose. by integrating these elements, people can cultivate a deep appreciation for the beauty and richness of existence, finding joy and meaning in every fleeting instant.



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