
Mondo 教育 更新 2024-02-01

當地時間1月8日,一艘貨櫃船“Stride”號停靠美國休斯敦港**,造成兩名船員死亡,一名船員被燒傷,情況危急。 STRIDE建於1997年,容量為2,174標準箱,懸掛巴拿馬國旗,由希臘船東Danaos Shipping管理。 事發時,STRIDE從巴里奧斯港抵達休斯頓港。

local time on january 8, a container ship "stride" docked in the port of houston, u.s., caught fire, resulting in the death of two crew members, one crew member burned, in critical condition. stride, built in 1997, the capacity of 2,174 teu, panama-flagged, by the greek owners of the ship danaos the stride, has a capacity of 2,174 teu and is panama-flagged. the stride was arriving in the port of houston from puerto barrios at the time of the incident.

ZIM Integrated Shipping Services已與Hoopo Systems達成協議,在其乾貨貨櫃船隊中廣泛部署先進的跟蹤裝置,使以色列海運承運人處於技術創新的最前沿。

zim integrated shipping services has entered into an agreement with hoopo systems for the extensive deployment of advanced tracking devices across its dry container fleet. according to the company's statement, this move positions the israeli ocean carrier at the forefront of technological innovation.

2024年1月9日,中遠海運控股發布了2023年度業績預測。 2023年全年,中遠海運控股實現息稅前利潤約為人民幣366元43億元,淨利潤283元89億元人民幣,按絕對值計算,中遠海運控股經受住了市場需求疲軟、運力供給上公升等一系列挑戰,保持了穩健的經營態勢。

on january 9, 2024, cosco seacon released its fy2023 results forecast. for the full year of 2023, cosco seacon achieved an ebit of approximately rmb36,643 million and a net profit of rmb28,389 million. in terms of absolute value, cosco seacon has withstood a series of challenges, such as weakening market demand and rising supply of capacity, and has maintained a solid operating posture.

根據最新報告,截至1月7日,因紅海危機而改道到好望角的貨櫃船數量已上公升至354艘,相當於465萬標準箱,佔全球船隊的16個4%。這一數字也佔大西洋、地中海盆地和印度洋之間所有船隻的80%。 由於大多數主要航運公司目前都選擇開普敦航線,這一數字將在未來一周繼續增長。

the number of container ships diverted to the cape of good hope as a result of the red sea crisis has risen to 354, equivalent to 4.65 million teus, or 16.4% of the global fleet as of january 7, according to the latest report. this figure also represents 80% of all vessels between the atlantic/mediterranean basin and the indian ocean. this figure will continue to grow in the coming week as most major shipping lines are now opting for the cape route.

2023年,通過“粵港澳大灣區聯合口岸”模式監管進出口貨櫃31個60000標準箱,同比增長478%。據深圳海關2024年1月8日統計,2023年,“粵港澳大灣區聯合口岸”將繼續開通“深圳蛇口港-湛江口港”和“深圳蛇口港-江門高新港”等聯合口岸線路,實現大灣區內地9個城市全覆蓋,輻射範圍延伸至粵西地區, 共開通37條線路。2023年,進出口貨櫃將通過該模式進行監管3160000標準箱,同比增長478%。

in 2023, the import and export containers were supervised through the mode of "guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area port combination" amounted to 316,000 teus, a year-on-year growth of 47.8%. according to the statistics of shenzhen customs on january 8, 2024, in 2023, "guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area combined port" successively opened "shenzhen shekou port - zhanjiang port", "shenzhen shekou port - jiangmen gaoxin port" and other combined port routes. " in 2023, 316,000 teus of import and export containers will be supervised through this mode, an increase of 47.8% year-on-year.



    12月20日 E PORTS航運新聞發布會

    從 月 日起,航運將包含在歐盟排放交易體系中。因此,訪問歐盟港口的船舶將被要求通過購買等量的歐盟配額 EUAS 來抵消其適用的二氧化碳航行排放。資料顯示,明年從拉斯塔努拉到鹿特丹的歐盟排放交易體系每航次成本約為萬美元,相當於當前貨運成本的 到年,當該法規 全面實施時,這一成本將增加到萬美元。from...

    12月22日 E PORTS航運新聞發布會

    月日下午,南韓 新光 號輪在長江常熟段宿橋下沉時起火,船上載有人,船上無貨。截至時分,遇險人已全部獲救,事故原因正在調查中。in the afternoon of december ,the korean ship sunbeam caught fire,and burst into flames ...

    12月29日 E PORTS航運新聞發布會

    葉門胡塞武裝日發表宣告稱,地中海航運公司的一艘商船在拒絕胡塞武裝發出的三次警告後,在紅海向胡塞武裝發射了 飛彈。MSC地中海航運公司在乙份宣告中證實,其貨櫃船MSC United VIII周二在紅海航行時遭到襲擊。所有機組人員均安全,沒有人員 報告。yemen s houthi armed forc...

    新聞早報! 1月11日,星期四

    萬陽中創城將陪您早日了解 根據中國中小企業協會日發布的資料顯示,年中小企業指數將上漲點,扭轉了近兩年指數的持續下跌。 據中國國際進口博覽局統計,截至目前,已有多家企業簽約參加第七屆進博會企業商業展覽會,展覽面積超過萬平方公尺。 中鐵集團 年,國家鐵路完成名旅客的排程億人次,其中高峰日出客量超過萬人次...


    標題。徐林 李秉軍向全省幹部群眾致以新春問候。省委書記 省人大常委會主任徐林,省委副書記 省長李炳軍通過 貴州 當代貴州網和天眼新聞客戶端,向全省幹部群眾傳達了年新年賀詞。山水秀麗,貴州土地天氣新。在告別舊迎新之際向全省各族幹部群眾致以新春的問候和良好的祝願!祝大家新年快樂!在剛剛過去的年,我們過著...