在美國民事訴訟程式中,被告拒絕抗辯有兩種型別:特定拒絕和一般拒絕。 這裡的否認是指拒絕原告(例如囚犯)的事實主張'一再否認對他的指控 囚犯一再否認對他的指控。
一般否認,即“一般否認; 一般否認“,被告在對訴訟或索賠的答覆中作出的陳述,其中被告否認訴狀中指控的所有索賠。
general denial: a statement in an answer to a lawsuit or claim by a defendant in a lawsuit, in which the defendant denies everything alleged in the complaint without specifically denying any allegation.
a specific denial involves a sentence-by-sentence or paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of the complaint, denying only those allegations that defendant intends to contest.
even if detainees are criminally charged, the secrecy and insecurity caused by the denial of contact to the outside world and the fact that family members h**e no knowledge of their whereabouts and fate violate the presumption of innocence and are conducive to confessions obtained under torture or other forms of ill-treatment. daccess-ods.un.org
the government of rwanda will of course continue to ensure that, without prejudice or f**our, any individual who engages in revisionism or denial of the 1994 genocide perpetrated against the tutsi be brought to justice in accordance with the rwandan constitution and other legal instruments.
當然,盧安達** 當然將繼續確保,根據《盧安達憲法》和其他法律文書,在不偏袒的情況下,將任何捏造或否認1994年對圖西族人犯下種族滅絕罪行的人繩之以法。
although the secretary-general’s reports on the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) h**e invariably included the israeli allegations, they h**e never given the same consideration to the denials of the syrian officials with whom the secretary-general’s special representative has met.
at its sixty-first session, under the current item, the general assembly urged all member states to reject any denial of the holocaust as a historical event (resolution 61/255).
大會第六十一屆會議在本專案下敦促所有會員國拒絕否認任何重大歷史事件(第61 255號決議)。