商業合同中的保密條款用於確保合同雙方交易中涉及的機密資訊受到保護,防止資訊洩露和未經授權的披露。 保密條款通常包含以下 4 個要素:
此外,保密條款可能包括:異常,即列舉允許披露機密資訊的情況,例如法律要求或雙方書面同意的情況; 違約責任,即確定違反保密規定的後果,其中可能包括違約方的法律責任或賠償義務; 和義務的履行,即規定在合同終止或解除後如何處理機密資訊。
如。 all information made **ailable under this agreement shall be kept in strict confidence from any third party without prior consent in writing of the other party. the only exception, however, shall be the disclosures forced by the laws, orders or regulations of governments or organizations h**ing the necessary authorities and such disclosures shall not be deemed to constitute a violation of this article under this agreement.
未經另一方事先書面同意,本協議中提供的所有資訊必須嚴格保密,不得向任何第三方披露。 唯一的例外是,如果根據有關當局制定的法律命令或法規強制披露,則此類披露不構成對本協議條款的違反。
for the full term and even after the termination or cancellation of the agreement party b shall take all and every necessary care to ensure that such technical information shallnot be disclosed to any third party or parties.
any unauthorized disclosure or use of confidential information shall result in legal consequences, including but not limited to, the payment of damages or injunctive relief.
upon termination of this agreement, both parties shall promptly return or destroy all confidential information in their possession.
參考。 《國際商務合同的文體學與翻譯》,劉慶秋著。