了解 訴訟監護人 在法律英語中的含義及其相關法規

Mondo 社會 更新 2024-02-07

訴訟監護人是乙個法律術語,翻譯為“訴訟監護人; 專案保護者; 監護人; 法定監護人。 “指法院指定對無法處理自己事務的未成年人或成年人採取法律行動的人。

guardian ad litem:a person appointed by the court only to take legal action on behalf of a minor or an adult not able to handle his/her own affairs. duties may include filing a lawsuit for an injured child, defending a lawsuit or filing a claim against an estate. usually a parent will file a petition to be appointed the guardian ad litem of a child hurt in an accident at the same time the lawsuit is filed.

在中國,法定監護人是指作為無民事行為能力人或者有限民事行為能力人的監護人,依照法律的直接規定履行監護職責的人。 根據《民法通則》的規定,法定監護人包括未成年人的法定監護人和精神病人的法定監護人。




3.未成年人父母單位或者未成年人居住地的居民委員會、村民委員會、民政部門等法人組織。 擔任監護人的順序是根據血緣關係和組織關係的接近程度確定的,前者按排除順序排除後者。


1. 配偶、父母和成年子女。





this is to ensure that a person under disability will not be denied access to justice simply because no one is willing to act as his next friend / guardian ad litem in court proceedings.


the committee, therefore, invites the state party to adopt immediate measures to ensure that a guardian ad litem or advisor be appointed for all separated and unaccompanied children irrespective of whether they h**e made a protection application or not.


subject to appointment by the court or the discretion of the official solicitor as appropriate, the official solicitor can act as next friend/guardian ad litem to any person under disability in proceedings before any courts in hksar.


we therefore suggest that such amendments be made when the next opportunity arises, e.g. in the context of the rectification exercise co-ordinated by the department of justice or when we review the fee for director of social welfare when acting as the guardian ad litem (rule 8 of the adoption rules and rule 11 of the convention adoption rules refer).


the originating summons must ask for the appointment of a guardian ad litem and must be supported by an affid**it by the applicant setting out the facts together with the consent to act in writing of the proposed guardian ad litem; and (b) a copy of the originating summons shall be served on the director, and the judge may appoint such person as he thinks fit to be the guardian ad litem.



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