
Mondo 社會 更新 2024-02-01


約會暴力,即約會**,是指在戀愛過程中對另一人使用或威脅使用武力、約束等,目的是對另一人造成痛苦和傷害。 這種暴力通常是指配偶一方在身體上或通過****毆打另一方而遭受的心理和身體傷害,包括毆打、綁架、威脅、辱罵、經濟剝削、拘留等。

date rape:forcible sexual intercourse by a mal e acquaintance of a woman, during a voluntary social engagement in which the woman did not intend to submit to the sexual advances and resisted the acts by verbal refusals, deni als or pl eas to stop, and/or physical resi stance. the fact that the parti es knew each other or that the woman willingly accompani ed the man are not legal defenses to a charge of rape, although one pennsyl vania decision rul ed that there had to be some actual physi cal resi stance.


the commission also adopted a resolution on the use of pharmaceutical technology to counter drug-facilitated sexual assault (“date rape”) resolution 52/8).

委員會還通過了一項關於使用藥物技術打擊毒品犯罪者的政策(“約會”(第52 8號決議)。

the campaign of violence had included: summary executions, rape and sexual and gender-based violence, ill treatment and torture of detained combatants and other persons, illegal detention of civilians, arbitrary arrests, abduction and taking of hostages, discriminatory treatment of ethnic georgians on the territories under the control of proxy regimes of south ossetia and abkhazia, including limitation of freedom of movement, denial of their right to education in their mother tongue, pressure to obtain russian citizenship and passports, a systematic and widespread campaign of pillage and looting during and after the conflict; and destruction of property, including the burning of homes and other civilian buildings in villages inhabited predominantly by ethnic georgians, including in socalled buffer zones.

暴力運動包括即決處決,** 以及性暴力和與性別有關的暴力、虐待和酷刑被拘留的戰鬥人員和其他人、非法拘留平民、任意逮捕、劫持人質和綁架、在南奧塞提亞和阿布哈茲代理政權控制的領土上歧視性地對待喬治亞族居民,包括限制行動自由、 剝奪母語教育權,強迫獲得俄羅斯公民身份和護照,在衝突期間和之後進行系統和廣泛的搶劫;破壞財產,包括燒毀主要由喬治亞族居民居住的村莊的房屋和其他民用建築,包括所謂的緩衝區。

these included: arbitrary detention; torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; summary and extrajudicial executions; sexual violence, including rape, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation; and other forms of violence grounded in discrimination against women.

這些措施包括:任意拘留; 酷刑或其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰; 即決處決和法外處決; 性暴力,包括性剝削,以及基於歧視性理由對婦女的其他形式的暴力。

the measures, including legislative ones, taken to combat various forms of violence against women, including trafficking, domestic violence, marital rape and abandonment of girl babies, to investigate all allegations of ill-treatment and abuse, and to protect the victims.




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