
Mondo 社會 更新 2024-02-01

counter claim,a claim by the defendant in a civil action that the defendant is entitled to damages or other reli ef from the pl aintiff.譯為“反訴、反訴、反訴”。

在民事訴訟中,被告可以對原告提出反訴,例如賠償。 根據《民事訴訟法》第五十四條的規定,訴訟中的被告可以對訴訟中的原告提出反訴。 反訴是指被告在正在進行的訴訟中(訴訟正在進行中)中以訴訟原告為被告提起的訴訟。 本訴訟中的原告在反訴中被稱為“反訴被告”,本訴訟中的被告被稱為“反訴原告”。

反訴與反駁不同。 民事反駁是指民事訴訟中的被告人通過列舉事實和理由來駁回、反對或反駁原告的主張。 被告的這種論點稱為反駁。


首先,法律的性質不同。 反訴屬於索賠類別; 反駁屬於辯護權的範疇。

其次,獨立性是不同的。 反訴是獨立的訴求,而反駁則不具有訴訟性質。


on 27 january 2010, at a meeting held by the president of the court with the agents of the parties, the agent of germany indicated that his government did not consider the counter claim submitted by italy to be in accordance with article 80, paragraph 1, of the rules of court and that it intended to raise objections to the italian counterclaim.


if buyer shall consent to such assignment or subcontracting, all claims for monies due from buyer shall nevertheless be subject to deduction by buyer for any set-off or counter-claim arising out of this or any other of buyer's contracts with seller, whether such set-off or counter-claim arose before or after any such assignment or subcontracting by seller.


with respect to its counter claim, and in accordance with article 80 of the rules of the court, italy asks respectfully the court to adjudge and declare that, considering the existence under international law of an obligation of reparation owed to the victims of war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the iii reich。


we do not intend to respond to each and every arteris counter claim, convoluted fact, erroneous recount of product features or false claims regarding product timing or development. tipschina.gov.cn




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